Dragnet solutions Recruitment 2025, and how to apply on the Dragnet solutions online portal or application form.
Get first-hand information about the Dragnet solutions job vacancies that are close to you. These job vacancies are for people who meet the Dragnet solutions job requirements.
Most agencies charge to reveal current recruitment opportunities offered by Dragnet solutions, hence we have decided to reveal it all and let you know that the application form for Dragnet solutions is free as by the company.
About Dragnet Solutions

Dragnet Solutions Limited was founded in the year 2005 but started operating in the year 2007.
The company seeks to have the most advanced technology and has spent over ten years in business with vast business experiences in their vast records.
They have been maintaining their position as one of the leading firms in Nigeria in the aspect of computer-based screening tests.
Their technology being adopted by many ‘world-class’ organizations spanning every sector of the Nigerian economy is a major testament to their claims.
Latest Job Vacancy at Dragnet Solutions
- Dragnet Solutions careers
- Some of Dragnet Solutions vacancies
- What is Dragnet Solutions salary structure?
- How to apply for Dragnet Solutions recruitment?
- The requirement for Dragnet Solutions job vacancies in Nigeria
Requirement for Application
- Education: Bachelor’s Degree
- Experience: Previous experience in a similar role will be an added advantage.
- Good communication skills and ability to probe and extract information
- Knowledge of basic research methods
- Data collection skill
- Ability to understand and speak the Hausa language fluently
- Organization and attention to details
- Ability to handle and organize data
How to Apply for Dragnet Solutions Recruitment 2025
Be sure that you have completely read the presented requirements, and that you are a fit for what is needed.
- Click this link and add your email address to get the Latest recruitment updates straight to your inbox
- Next -> click here to visit our Recruitment Portal
- Select an active job of your choice,
- Go through the requirements,
- Finally, apply for the job that suits you.
When is Dragnet Recruitment for 2025 Closing Date?
At the moment, there is no specified closing date for Dragnet recruitment as we are on the watch and will keep you posted in case the date is released.
Feel free to drop a comment in case you have questions or inquiries.