How Many Times Can You Call Out Of Work And Not Be Fired?

There will almost certainly be times when you need to miss work, whether you work full-time or part-time.

Most companies recognize that you may need to call in sick or leave early for various reasons, including personal affairs, medical emergencies, family emergencies, and home maintenance.

While skipping work is common, there are a few ways you can gracefully call out, minimizing the impact on your work, boss, and coworkers.

This article will cover some issues like how often you call out of work and how you can call out of work appropriately. 

What Excuse Can You Give For Calling in Sick? 

Requests to be excused from work usually fall into one of the following categories: 


When you have a fever, the flu, or an upset stomach, it’s typically a good idea to call in sick.

Employers want to keep their other employees healthy, so taking time off for these reasons can help your company as well as help you recuperate.

An injury or a doctor’s appointment is also a valid medical excuse for missing work.


If your workplace provides you with personal days throughout the year, you can typically use them without giving a reason. Personal days might be used to finish a significant project or relax at home.

You’re Taking Care of a Sick Child or Relative

Along with calling in sick, caring for a sick child or family member is another valid reason to take a day or more off. 

Both of these are legitimate reasons to miss work and qualify as an emergency, which most employers will understand. 

One of the best excuses to use at the last minute, particularly on the same day as your job shift, is that you need to care for a sick child. 

You’re Having an Issue at Home

You could claim that you need to stay at home due to a house-related issue. You could argue, for example, that you have a leaking water pipe and must remain on-site until the repairman is finished. 

These are all valid reasons for calling out of work.

How Many Times Can You Call Out of Work When You are Sick  

When you call in sick, keep in mind that your work for the day does not simply vanish because you cannot complete it. 

Either you have to postpone it a day, delegate it to someone else, or (worst of all, from your employer’s perspective) the work does not get done that day and cannot be made up by anyone else. 

It’s not your fault that you were or are sick, but depending on the nature of your profession, it’s always possible that your absence will have a negative impact on someone you work with. 

As a result, there are a few things you should do when you call out of work to ensure that you’re being responsible.

Decide on the Best Method of Communication

It’s critical to contact your employer in how they are most likely to receive it immediately when phoning out of work.

For instance, a phone call is generally ideal if you work in a restaurant where supervisors don’t have quick access to email.

If you work in an office and your boss is off for the week, though, you might be better off sending an email or SMS. Most essential, if your firm has a policy on taking time off, make sure to adhere to it.

Maintain a Timely Schedule

If you have to miss work, notify your boss as soon as possible so that they can arrange for your work to be covered.

For example, if you know your cold will keep you from working, notify your boss the night before rather than waiting until the morning.

If your child has a school holiday coming up, you can request a personal day for that day one or two weeks before the break. If you won’t come in until the next day, notify us as soon as possible, ideally first thing in the morning.

Provide Solutions 

Work you would miss if you took a sick day or a personal day must sometimes be completed in your absence, primarily if you work shifts.

Consider asking a colleague to step in for you to ensure that your tasks are met. If you work for a package delivery business, for example, have someone else on your team cover your route.

If you’re staying at home for a non-emergency cause and can work from a computer, you might also ask your boss if you can work from home.

When you Return to Work, Work Hard

It’s critical to work diligently after being away from the office to catch up on any projects that may have been postponed during your absence.

By putting in the extra effort required to stay on track, you may show your boss and team that you are still committed to your task.

Keep it Short

It’s always preferable to tell your boss only the most basic information about your absence.

Make a point of expressing your want to return to work as soon as possible, and volunteer to help those who may be affected by your absence.

Notify on Time

If you have to miss work, notify your supervisor as soon as possible so that they can arrange for your work to be covered if necessary.

For example, if you know your cold will keep you from working, notify your boss the night before rather than waiting until the morning.

If your child has a school holiday coming up, you can request one or two weeks in advance to take that day off as a personal day.

If you don’t know until the next day that you won’t be able to come in, notify us as soon as possible, ideally first thing in the morning.

Select the Appropriate Individual to Inform

While staff handbooks and corporate policy documents are likely to provide you with a specific response, there’s typically no need to sift through all of that information.

Telling your supervisor that you’ll be leaving is the best option for most employees at most companies. 

Some employers may offer online portals to log your sick day requests for administrative purposes.

If you’re not sure if this is essential because it’s your first time requesting a sick day, mention it to your boss in your call/email. “Do I need to do anything extra on my end to log this sick day with HR?” is a good example.

Please notify them as soon as possible. If you wake up feeling ill, email, call or send a Slack message (or whatever method your company uses to communicate) as soon as you recognize you shouldn’t be at work.

If you’re sick the day before, notify your manager and let them know you might be absent the next day. 

Notify your colleagues as well. Your absence will have an impact on more than just your boss.

Being a good employee also entails informing your coworkers that you’ll be out for the day, which is especially vital in occupations that need a lot of group initiatives and collaboration.


Calling out of work is normal, and trying to figure out how many times you can reach out of work is very reasonable.

This article serves as an instruction manual to help you know how many times you can call out of work without being fired. 

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